Find “hidden” off-market properties you can buy at a discount… no matter where you live or how competitive your market is…
Get funding to buy houses and renovate them without using any of your own money, without making expensive down payments and without bank loans…
Run the numbers and analyze deals “safely” so you’ve already made a profit before you buy, no matter what happens next (this takes away all the risk)...
Identify the best zip codes, neighborhoods, and cities in your area to target for maximum profit potential and long term gains…
Speak intelligently about every step of the real estate investing process so you can get your spouse on board, network with other investors, and bring in partners…
Choose the real estate investing strategy that fits your personality, your goals, and your time constraints (whether you want to do this full-time or on the side)...
Negotiate with sellers to get houses under contract on your terms, at the price you need, while still making sure sellers walk away happy (and feeling like you’ve helped them)...
...and a lot more.
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